ACHIBUO ENTERPRISE is a privately owned Entrepreneurship business in the fields of Real Estate, General Trading,Hotel Management,Import,Export and More. United as one agency, we are also united in the fulfillment of our mission:
Mission Statement
ACHIBUO ENTERPRISE shall be committed to the utmost quality in customer care and relations as we provide investments, travel and real estate services to a highly diverse clientele.
Our services are based on market research and data analysis; from which our customized services are formed. We tailor fit our services to address the varying needs of private customers, corporations and organizations. We fulfill our services with the highest respect for ethics and sustainable business practices. ACHIBUO ENTERPRISE is also an equal opportunity employer and service provider:
Non-Discrimination Policy
ACHIBUO ENTERPRISE does not endorse disparity in employment and service provision. In compliance with National and International Civil Right Acts, our company does not exclude, discriminate or deny benefits to any eligible person, client, customer or employee on the grounds of religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, color, race, or age.